Thursday, May 22, 2008

Human Dynamism

I often wonder why human beings are so difficult to understand. Whenever I think to myself" I am close to understanding this person" I am so mistaken. Then I feel that many people do not understand themselves so they are a medley of confusion to others also.

I had been fortunate to attend a class by a very well-known professor in the University of Bekeley. She was a well-known figure in the management world . She was saying that she was always boggled by the nature of humans.
When she - a very highly educated and well-known for her strategic suggestions said this, we were nowhere . It always intrigues me to read the faces of people . I should admit that I am far from being successful on reading the minds of people. It would be nice to be able to say before a person actually spoke out that "Yes, I know you are thinking about this and here is my duh..duh..duh...." Well, then again maybe the world would have been more confusing- not that it is any less now:)
But true to it's essence hyman dynamism is dynamic!

1 comment:

Kakoli Mukherjee said...

Very True!!..I too have often wondered about how each human being is different and how each person is a world in can never say what a person is actually thinking..You may study a person for a lifetime and end up clueless..human psychology is indeed mind boggling...