Thursday, September 6, 2007

School starts!

Yesterday was the day when the school re-opened for FUSD. My son started Kindergarten yesterday. It was such a mixed feeling. All these years , I kept on hearing from moms that "moms go through a separation anxiety when kids start kindergarten" . All these years I used to think can moms face this anxiety. When it came upon me yesterday, I knew what the feeling was! It was so strange- a mixed feeling - a feeling of apprehension whether my son would be OK at school, whether he would do good. I know my son- He is really really outgoing much more outgoing than the average kid. With adjustments, he has the least problem. He is a very friendly kid (to the extent that every time we go to the park , he has a new friend).He has been going to day-care and preschool since his toddler years. It was just that he was officially starting school. Even after knowing all of these, all different kinds of feeling rushed through my veins. It was then that understood what they say when they use the term "Parents-separation-anxiety"
When I went to pick him up, he was really happy and he had had a very good day. The grin on his face told me all. He narrated stories of his school and based on that I had to submit a paper to his teacher- My first day at school.

I reminisced the memories of my first day at school. It is still so fresh - I can still smell the jasmine that grew near my class. I can still smell the fragrance my teacher used.
I can still feel the warmth of my tears on my cheeks when I saw my dad leaving me in the class. I can still feel the sadness that I felt after I came back from school and I cried to myself ashamed that I would let myself out in front of my parents, worried that they would think I was not happy .
When I questioned my son - " What did you do today?" The non-stop rush of answers and the excitement in his face made me really happy. I was happy that he was happy!

Pledge to Myself!

I have been pretty bad about maintaining my other blog. After google changed it's blogsite, I had created a new blogsite but have not got to posting a blog. Imagine!!!!
So, I thought it would not be a bad idea to start afresh.
Well, I really will try hard this time to be more regular in my ramblings.